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Vancouver rosacea laser treatments (Surrey), combined with doctor-prescribed solutions

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We treat redness and rosacea in Surrey (Vancouver), using mixed modalities. These can include prescriptions, lasers, facials and specialized skin care creams or makeup. Clients come to us from Vancouver, Delta (Tsawwassen and Ladner), Langley, White Rock, Burnaby, New Westminster, Richmond and beyond for this treatment.

Does your face turn red easily, especially when you’re hot or cold, or eat spicy food? Do you sometimes get long-term flushing that comes and goes? Spider veins or red and purple patches on your nose and cheeks? Bumpy skin on the nose? Dry, stinging and burning on the face? What about red bumps or watery, bloodshot eyes?

These, and more, can all be signs that you have rosacea.

Most of the time, rosacea is not dangerous. Though, it can be. It can also cause embarrassment, creating a quality-of-life issue.

Either way, human faces are not typically supposed to be red, especially not for long periods of time, or in constant recurrence. So, it’s best to see a doctor if you’re experiencing any form of redness on the face or body.

If you think you have chronic redness issues or rosacea, we may be able to help. That goes especially if you’ve already seen a doctor about it, and prescriptions are just not cutting it for you. It may be that our laser treatments will better suit your case.

The first step is to come in for a consultation at our clinic. We’ll take a close look at your skin, and determine if you are eligible for Surrey rosacea treatments with us. If not, we’ll advise you on next steps to take with your family doctor.

Please note: our services for treating redness and rosacea are not covered by MSP, nor most private insurance carriers. We encourage you to ask your insurance provider if they do cover our services, just in case. Our offerings for this skin condition are listed below.

Below, we’ll explain more about this condition, and preliminary information you’ll want to know before coming in for your first consultation with us.

What is rosacea? How do I know if I have it?

Rosacea on cheeks with spider veins and dilated blood vessels

Rosacea is the repetitive or permanent formation of redness and irritation on the skin, which sometimes appears dry, too. It is an inflammatory condition that occurs mainly on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Though technically, it can also develop on other parts of the body, too.

There are four subtypes of rosacea, and these include:

Erythemato-telangiectatic rosacea – this is a general ‘flushed’ look on the face, with some darker red lines or blots present, which are actually broken or enlarged blood vessels (telangiectasia and vasodilation). However, this form of rosacea can not just look red, it can also swell, burn and sting. It can resemble a bad sunburn, though this form of erythema (redness) is not necessarily from the sun.

Papulo-pustular rosacea – this form of inflamed rosacea is composed of many papules and pustules that look like acne, but are not. They are raised like bumps, filled with pus, and appear red. With rosacea, as opposed to acneic skin, there are no white heads or blackheads. In severe cases, these fluid-filled bumps can result in swelling.

Phymatous rosacea – this is when the skin thickens and becomes uneven in texture and form. It is common on the nose, in which case it is called rhynophyma. However, this swelling and tissue formation (called lymphoedema and fibrosis) can appear on the chin and forehead too. It is associated with the way your skin produces oil and forms dermal connective tissues. This type of rosacea is more common in men, than in women.

Ocular rosacea – this is when the factors causing rosacea start to affect the eyes or skin around the eyes. This can involve irritation like stinging and burning, light sensitivity, watery eyes, bloodshot eyes, styes and more. Ocular rosacea can result in more serious eye damage or loss of sight, and should be treated right away.

All of the above types of rosacea can happen together, or in sequence. They can come and go as well. Different people will have different levels of severity of the above issues.

If you think you have rosacea, or another condition causing your facial redness, we encourage you to book an appointment at our clinic. We’ll be able to take a closer look, and provide you with our recommended treatment paths.

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What types of treatments do you offer for rosacea at your Surrey skin clinic?

Treated rosacea skin on face with before and after redness

Rosacea is a condition that really requires a doctor’s consultation before embarking on any treatment path. The severity and type of your rosacea, as well as its common triggers, can determine how you’ll react to certain treatments or medications. Even then, we can’t know for sure how you’ll respond to any one solution. So, we’ll need to take it step by step.

Rosacea can also be mistaken for other conditions, such as a temporary rash (since it can come and go) or sunburn (since the sun triggers flare ups). It can also look like typical solar damage, dilated vessels, spider veins, acne, folliculitis or other conditions. On the flip side, many people don’t have rosacea but think they do, because they’re experiencing the aforementioned conditions. Sometimes a skin biopsy is needed to rule out other causes of these symptoms.

So, before offering our Surrey rosacea treatments, we’ll first need to find out what is causing your redness, and proceed from there.

Important: medications can interfere with rosacea treatments. It will be crucial to let us know your entire medical history, including prescriptions you’re taking, off-the-shelf creams you’re using and any allergies, before we treat you for rosacea. That goes even if you think they are not related to your condition.

Note that our services to treat rosacea and skin redness in Surrey are not covered by MSP, nor most private insurance carriers. However, we encourage you to ask your provider if they cover the cost of cosmetic treatments for skin conditions like rosacea.

With that in mind, we can say that common treatment paths for chronic skin redness include:

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Oral prescriptions

Oral antibiotics are thought to reduce inflammation. They particularly help the flushing effect seen in rosacea patients. Medications taken by mouth to treat redness symptoms include tetracycline, doxycycline, and minocycline. However, due to side effects, no antibiotic is recommended for long term use. In the case of rosacea, they are meant to help get your condition under control. After that point, you can switch to topical medications, laser treatments or lifestyle changes.

If antibiotics are not suitable for you, it’s possible that another oral solution, called isotretinoin, can also produce desired effects.

There are also vasoconstriction medications that can be used, depending on the subtype of rosacea being treated.

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Topical prescriptions

Rosacea face redness using skin care - woman

There are many types of prescription ointments, creams, gels or lotions that are meant to treat rosacea and redness. The most popular topical solution used on rosacea is metronidazole, which is both an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial solution. It can be used long-term, but some people do experience side effects from it, like stinging and burning.

If metronidazole doesn’t work for you, or causes side effects, the next step is usually to try azelaic acid. This is an antibacterial solution that also targets inflammation and keratin production (the scaly, overgrowth caused by rosacea). Some people find this medication more effective than metronidazole, though others experience side effects from it. So, it really depends on how you respond to either one.

Thereafter, we may switch to other topical medications that are designed to target a specific subtype of rosacea (see above).

These other common, rosacea prescriptions can include:

  • Brimonidine tartrate – this is used to help shrink dilated blood vessels.
  • Ivermectin – this is an anti-inflammatory used to treat the lesions that rosacea can cause.
  • Tretinoin – this is a strong form of Vitamin A, and can cause excessive dryness. It must be used carefully. It can be prescribed for acne or sun damage, too. Typically it is sold under the brand name, Retin-A.
  • Sodium sulfacetamide and sulphur – this class of medication is used to treat bacteria and exfoliate the skin, making it useful for acne and similar conditions.
  • Hydrocortisone – this is a skin calmer, though it can cause thinning skin, and can flare up rosacea, too.

You’ll need to use prescription medication for at least 6 weeks before seeing any results.

Please note: our doctor appointments to write prescriptions are not covered by MSP, nor most insurance carriers. We offer prescriptions as a cosmetic consulting service. Though you should know that you can also ask your family doctor or dermatologist about them. Our clinic is an aesthetic medicine business, offering services that are typically paid for out-of-pocket by our patients. Getting prescriptions from us is useful if you plan to also undergo laser treatments, and are seeking comprehensive help from a single provider, for continuous patient care.

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Non-prescription, cosmeceutical skin care

All Calm redness skin care by Colorescience with mineral tinted SPF

For mild cases, or when it’s time to reduce the use of antibiotics, we may recommend high-end cosmeceutical skin care.

Cosmeceuticals can contain milder forms of the above-mentioned ingredients, or other beneficial compounds that are designed to calm the skin of redness or inflammation.

That said, they are not so mild as to be ineffectual. This is why they’re colloquially called “cosmeceuticals” by the medical community. Their quality is sufficient to provide legitimate treatment, but they’re not so potent that they require a prescription. They are an in between solution, in that sense.

Cosmeceuticals also offer high-grade, broad spectrum SPF options. A good sunscreen is especially necessary for rosacea, or any skin that is prone to redness from UV rays.

Like prescriptions, cosmeceuticals must be used consistently for weeks or months before seeing results. SPF should be used endlessly.

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Laser treatments for redness and rosacea

Excel V vascular laser for redness treatment on face and body - skin care clinic session

Rosacea suffers can be extra thankful for technological advancements that have made light energy safe to use on the skin. These days, lasers are the treatment of choice for rosacea and redness conditions, such as telangiectasis (the red or purple line formations from dilated capillaries).

Pretty much all red pigments can be targeted using certain wavelengths of light, to ‘untrap’ the hardened blood cells that are showing through the epidermis. When they are liquified or softened, the body can naturally get rid of them on its own. The best laser we currently have on hand for this job is the excel® V. It was practically made for visible veins, vascular lesions and other forms of redness.

Other times, a skin resurfacing job can help remove the thickened, over-producing skin tissues from rosacea. For this, we would use ablative lasers, like a Fractional CO2, or the Erbium YAG (Er:YAG).

That said, multiple, milder lasers can also fill this role. Deciding which wavelengths or methods to use will depend on what type of rosacea we’re treating, and how far it has advanced.

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Maintenance facials and procedures

Facial prep and after care representing maintenance routine skin care session

Since much of rosacea happens at, or near the surface of the skin, it can be helpful to routinely remove dead skin cells. However, rosacea requires systems that are more powerful than home scrubbing. We provide deep exfoliation methods that can be mild or strong, depending on your needs.

Our routine, professional facial treatments can include any of the following:

All of the above solutions work by removing top layers of skin, to one degree or another. That way, the skin can begin healing with new collagen production. When rosacea causes thickened areas on the dermis, repeatedly removing the scaly patches or deformities can help to improve their texture and appearance.

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Non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic makeup

Non-comodogenic mineral makeup by Colorescience with All Calm redness skin care with SPF

With some people, rosacea is not just an irritant, it’s also embarrassing. While you are undergoing treatment, and even afterwards, it can be helpful to use high-quality makeup to cover up your redness.

The key to using makeup on rosaceous skin, however, is to ensure it is non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic and as natural as possible. Cosmetics should not contain alcohol, fragrance or synthetic material that can dry the skin. Otherwise, makeup will only exacerbate your rosacea.

We offer a line of take-home beauty products that are made for post-procedure skin. This makes them equally suitable for the tender, sensitive skin that comes with rosacea. Being of pure mineral origins, they also act as a strong SPF, which helps reduce redness even further.

The brand of makeup we carry is called Colorescience®, and you can read more about it here.

As a tip, be sure to look for green undertones in your cosmetics, to help reduce the look of redness. The Colorescience® All Calm™ Clinical Redness Corrector SPF 50 provides a great option for this, though it is considered a face cream, not makeup.

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What causes rosacea?

Redness and yellowing on face skin condition
Redness on nose and cheeks and mouth area with large pores

The root cause of rosacea is unknown. We can only explain that the skin appears red when certain activities are happening in the dermal layer. But, we can not explain why those reactions are happening in the first place.

Scientists think that rosacea can be connected to skin immunity functions (such as from bacteria), or the neurovascular system (since veins and blood vessels are usually involved).

One other theory is that a specific mite in the skin’s microbiome becomes overactive, and causes rosacea symptoms. The mite is called Dermodex. Its variant species live on all humans, in the hair follicles, tear glands and sebaceous glands. But in rosacea sufferers, there are usually up to four times as many of these mites, which create a sort of imbalance on the skin. And, this relates back to the immunity theory.

However, Dermodex populations on the skin don’t explain everything. Neither does their interaction with bacteria and immune system imbalances. So, it’s hard to cure rosacea by attacking one thing or another. The skin is much more complicated than that.

Some people – especially those with fair skin, and from European descent – are prone to rosacea and redness. So, there may be a genetic component at play, too. Women are also more likely to develop rosacea than men. But, both sexes, and any skin type, can experience this dermal condition.

While we don’t know the reasons behind rosacea, the medical community recognizes that its sufferers experience lifestyle triggers, which cause flare ups.

Common rosacea triggers include:

  • UV exposure (see our page about sun damage for more on this).
  • Hot and spicy food or seasonings.
  • Environmental temperature changes, especially extreme ones.
  • Caffeine or alcoholic beverages (more-so with red wine).
  • Heavy exercise.
  • Stress.
  • Topical cortisone, acne creams or medications that affect blood vessel sizes.
  • Cosmetics with drying ingredients, like alcohol or fragrance.

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What other treatment options are there for rosacea, not offered at your clinic?

Technically, surgical solutions exist for phymatous rosacea and rhynophyma. However, these invasive methods can be considered archaic, now that we have lasers to do the job without any cutting or bleeding. Surgery may be needed in extreme cases, though this is rare.

Apart from what we’ve mentioned, the only other things you can do for rosacea, independent of a doctor’s help, are:

  • Protect yourself from the sun and UV rays. This includes wearing a good sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days. We recommend an SPF of 30 or higher, reapplied every 2 hours. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., and stand in the shade when you can. Don’t use tanning beds.
  • Follow a disciplined skin hygiene routine – one that includes the application of high-quality, calming skin care.
  • Avoid your personal rosacea triggers, noted above.
  • Eat healthy and aim for a diet of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods.

For general help to alleviate stinging and itching, you can also opt for skin-calming remedies like aloe vera gel. Some claim that a cold green tea compress, or some essential oils could also work. These are not officially studied treatments, nor cures, however.

Note that if rosacea is left untreated, it can get worse. It’s best to see a doctor about this condition, even if you don’t plan to get laser treatments from a cosmetic clinic like ours.

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What are the risks of treating rosacea with prescriptions or lasers?

redness on face and large pores on cheek treatable condition with lasers and topical solutions

The main risk of treating rosacea will be side effects on your skin. Since your skin will already be tender and sensitive, the prescription-based solutions may cause extra irritation, like burning or stinging. They may also cause photosensitivity, making you more susceptible to pigmentation problems from sun exposure.

Antibiotics come with general health side effects, which can be far reaching (they can kill too much of the good bacteria your body needs). This is why we would not recommend them for long-term use.

While lasers can be dangerous if used improperly, they are safe when handled by trained professionals, and in a medically-run clinic like ours. The most severe side effects from a laser, which would be rare, are hyperpigmentation or surface-level burns on the skin.

That said, these are treatable issues, even if they do happen. We would certainly stand by you if they occur while you are under our care. That is the advantage of going with a high-end, doctor-led clinic like ours. We carry multiple treatment modalities to help with these potential, but rare, side effects from lasers.

While rosacea is mostly an irritant, leaving some forms of it untreated can cause serious issues – especially if it is happening in the eyes. So either way, we encourage you to see a doctor about it. Medical intervention may be safer than leaving it alone.

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What is the cost of Surrey rosacea and redness treatments?

The cost of our Surrey rosacea treatments can vary a lot. It really depends on the treatment path you choose. We will recommend options based on the severity and type of your condition. Our advice may veer towards a combination of treatment modalities, for better results.

You should also know that rosacea requires maintenance, since it is likely to recur. That said, many people see their facial redness significantly subside after just one laser treatment. It all depends on how your body responds to the solutions we offer.

The first step to finding out the expected, overall price of your treatment is to come in for a consultation at our Surrey clinic. We’ll be able to take a closer look at your skin, and learn more about your history with rosacea and redness.

During your consultation, we’ll also do a VISIA® skin analysis, which will show us the extent of red spots and sun damage under your skin. From there, we can let you know if you have a mild or severe case of rosacea, and what we think will work on you.

If you subscribe to an extended health plan, it’s possible that prescriptions we write for you will be covered, or involve a small deductible. That said, our consultation fee would still apply. Though, this fee can be credited towards services at our clinic, within a certain time frame.

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Important notes:
Prices on this website are to be used as a guide, and not a definite cost for your treatment. Prices can change at any time.

Procedure results are not guaranteed, and can vary from patient to patient.

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